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Opal October Birthstone

Birthstones, Jewelry Articles

Opal is the birthstone for the month of October. An Opal can be white, black or crystalline in base tone, with a captivating play of color over the top. Since Opals contain many colors, they match most items in a clothing wardrobe and become popular everyday items. Thus Opal jewelry items are some of our best sellers and can be found in a wide range of varieties and qualities. Whether you are looking for an Opal Birthstone Ring, Opal Pendant, or Opal Earrings, we have you covered with your own personal rainbow.

Ethiopian Opal Cocktail Ring Rose Gold

When dealing in Australian Black & White Opals, we often set them in rings. These are the rarest Opal variety, frequently smaller, and the most durable, so they hold up well to wear and look great in rings. For pendants and earrings, we sometimes use Australian material, but we also love to use Mexican and Ethiopian crystal Opal. These varieties occur in larger sizes with more play of color that make a larger impact on the neck and ear. Opals look great in any color of metal, dressed up with Diamond accents or worn casually- you let us know how you want your Opal set and we will help create the perfect item.


So which Opal is right for you? Size and body color (white vs black) are a large component, but far from the only factors in choosing an Opal. The most important factor is the play of color: a gem with every color of the rainbow in full display across the surface of the gem is the most valued, but some clients may not want yellow in their gem, for example. Among the component colors, those with red are the most desirable in Opals, followed by orange, blue, green, etc. but color is a personal choice. The other significant factor is patterns: how the color is arranged on the gem. Opals have a wide variety of patterns, from broadflash to pinfire to checkerboard to harlequin, and these have a wide appeal and are priced based on rarity.

Reversible Ethiopian Crystal Opal Pendant Harlequin pattern gem 2

Opals are a specialty of Federal Way Jewelers. We have a wide selection of beautiful finished pieces and loose stones to create your own wonderful, unique pieces sure to become future heirlooms. Every image you see in the post are examples of Opals we either currently have for sale or have sold in the past. You can view all our Opal jewelry for sale on our website by visiting our on-line store.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article about Opal the October Birthstone. This would be a good time to check out our prices and Opal products in our online store.

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