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Victorian Ruby, Sapphire & Diamond Perfume Bottle Pendant


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Product Description

This beautiful Victorian pendant is a wearable piece of history at a bargain price! Originally this would have been part of a chatelaine- a brooch worn by women with various attachments- match-safe, thimble, perfume bottle, watch, etc. This particular attachment would be filled with either smelling salts or perfume, that the wearer could hold under their nose when walking the smelly late 1800’s streets. Most chatelaines and attachments were more utilitarian so this ornate gold version is quite unusual and would have marked the wearer as being well to do. The metal, a rich rosy yellow gold, has the original darkened patina intact and is set with a Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire trio that add nice sparkle to the piece. It measures over 2 inches in length and looks great worn on a long chain.

Product Specifications

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